Columnist Mon Tulfo asks Palace to probe siblings Ben, Wanda Teo over “irregular” P60-million ad placement contract

(Eagle News)–Columnist Ramon Tulfo on Saturday, July 14, asked the government to probe his sister, former Tourism Secretary Wanda Teo, and brother Ben over the P60-million advertisement placement contract.

“Ben and Wanda may be charged with plunder, a non-bailable offense, for all I care,” he said in his Inquirer column, as he lamented how the incident that saw the Department of Tourism–then headed by Teo– placing tourism advertisements in Ben’s PTV4 program had besmirched the columnist’s reputation.

According to Tulfo, “other officials of PTV 4, who were allegedly in cahoots with Ben, as well as those in the upper echelons of the Presidential Communications Operations Office” should also be investigated.

He said the contract was, after all, irregular “no matter from what angle you look at it.”

He said there was conflict of interest on the part of Teo.

“If warranted, all of them should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law…,” he said.

Teo resigned following the brouhaha.

She was replaced by Bernadette Romulo-Puyat.