China tests brain-controlled robot

This small robot can move forward and make turnings flexibly -- all directly controlled by the human brain. (Photo grabbed from CCTV/Reuters video)
This small robot can move forward and make turnings flexibly — all directly controlled by the human brain. (Photo grabbed from CCTV/Reuters video)

A RESEARCH group with the National University of Defense Technology has recently tested its self-made brain-controlled robot in Hunan City, central China’s Hunan Province.

The small robot can move forward and make turnings flexibly, which are all directly controlled by human brains.

“This is our brainwave electrode cap which can collect human brainwaves. The facility can enlarge the weak brainwaves and send back to our computers. This is the collected brainwave produced by human brain whiling working. Our experiment just now can read people’s thoughts from the brainwave signals. And then the computer will turn human thoughts into control instructions and send them back to the robot through wireless facility so that we can control it to finish the movements just now, including moving forward and turning left and right,” said Jiang Jun, doctoral student with the National University of Defense Technology.

Human brain is connected with the system and help improve the intelligence level of the whole system. The group provided another way to control systems besides electrical systems and human hands. In the near future, disabled persons can use brain-controlled wheelchairs to replace two feet while drivers can have more fun during brain-controlled driving,

“We have combined human and cars through brain-machine interface. On the one hand, we want to develop the preciseness of computer driving. On the other, we want to include human intelligence,” said Liu Yadong, associate professor with the National University of Defense Technology.

In future, brain-controlled guns and vehicles can be applied to the battlefield. (Reuters)