20 Filipinos to leave Gaza on Sunday, Nov. 5

Another 23 Filipinos to leave in following days

A picture taken from Israel’s southern city of Sderot shows flares launched by Israeli forces above the Gaza Strip on October 29, 2023.  (Photo by Fadel Senna/AFP)

(Eagle News)–Twenty Filipinos are expected to leave Gaza on Sunday, Nov. 5, after signing up to leave for Egypt through the Rafah Crossing.

According to Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Eduardo de Vega, in the next day or in the next two days, De Vega said they expect another batch of 23 individuals to also leave Gaza.

He said a lot of Filipinos so far do not want to leave their Palestinian spouses or parents, he said.

According to De Vega, the government also has  contingency plans to effectively respond to emergencies and crisis situations in case the Israel-Hamas war widens into a regional conflict.

He said they were coordinating with the embassies in Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan.

“Matagal nang may contingency plans itong mga embahada kasi palagi namang volatile ang situation doon [Middle East],” he said.

Israeli forces, for instance, are so far trading fire at its border with Lebanon-based Hezbollah, a Shia Islamist political party and militant group.

He said in fact, six are expected to arrive in the Philippines from Lebanon.

“May tentative schedule sa Wednesday, tentative pa lang na otso pa, eight,” De Vega said.