
United Nations Day

Every 24th of October, the whole world celebrate the foundation of the United Nations. Here are some fun facts so that you’ll know more about this very important organization.

Tips for the Centennial Celebration

Here are some friendly reminders for the upcoming centennial celebration: Everyone’s really excited,better use these official hashtags: #IglesiaNiCristo #PhilippineArena #IglesiaNiCristoCentennial #CiudadDeVictoria SEE YOU THERE!


Infographic: Happy Father’s Day!

What is a dad? He is the one who picks you up after you fall and pushes you to try again… He is the one that walks you down the aisle and tells you that everything’s going to be ok… He may scold you when you break the rules, but he is also the first to shine with pride when you succeed… We love you, Dad! Happy Father’s Day!

Infographics: Mother’s Day 2014

Hey, when was the last time you spent quality time with that most special woman in your life? Your Mom! We would like to greet all the mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day! Please share your Mother’s Day bonding ideas in Comments!

Earth Day

Let’s celebrate the environment and do our part to make everyday a happy Earth Day! In line with this celebration, we encourage you to try these helpful tips from us to have an amazing Earth Day tomorrow!  

Modern Ways To Job Search

No doubt about it, job-hunting is one of the most difficult challenges faced by new graduates! This is specially true nowadays, as social networking sites up the ante, providing instant background checks for each potential applicants! We at hope that these tips will prove a great help for job-hunters! Do you want to share your own job-hunting tips? Please post your comments!