Featured News

Explosion in Syria kills 28

Authorities are still investigating an explosion in Syria which killed 28 members of the Islamist insurgent group, Ahrar Al-Sham. Meanwhile, Hassan Aboud, leader of the said group is in critical condition.

CO2 surge drove greenhouse gas levels to new high in 2013, World Meteorological Organization says

(Reuters) — Atmospheric volumes of greenhouse hit a record in 2013 as carbon dioxide concentrations grew at the fastest rate since reliable global records began, the World Meteorological Organization said on Tuesday (September 9). The volume of carbon dioxide, or CO2, the primary greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, was 396.0 parts per million (ppm) in 2013, 2.9 ppm higher than in 2012, the largest year-to-year increase since 1984, when reliable global records began. The second […]

Palace says ongoing reform in national police aims to cleanse its ranks of rogue officers

MANILA, Sept. 9 (PNA) — The Palace on Tuesday affirmed that there are serious efforts within the Philippine National Police (PNP) to cleanse its ranks of rogue cops. In a press briefing in Malacañang on Tuesday, Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said this small number of rogue police officers should not tarnish the image of the entire police organization. “They form a very small proportion of the total strength of the […]

Malaysia: Reports suggest MH17 shot down

  (Reuters) – Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 broke apart over Ukraine due to impact from a large number of fragments, the Dutch Safety Board said on Tuesday, in a report that Malaysia’s prime minister and several experts said suggested it was shot down from the ground. The crash over pro-Russian rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine on July 17 killed 298 people, two thirds of them from the Netherlands. Ukraine and Western countries accuse the rebels of shooting it down with an […]

More than 1,000 children hospitalized across U.S. with severe respiratory virus

(Reuters) — More than one thousand children across the United States have been hospitalized with a severe respiratory virus called Enterovirus D68. “It’s a virus. It’s spread by the respiratory route. Children mostly get involved and it has a propensity for for causing respiratory problems in people with a predisposition. There have been about a 1000 both confirmed and highly suspected cases in 10 or more states. We see outbreaks like this intermittently They are not predictable except […]

Cop suspects involved in EDSA kidnapping case reach 12

    MANILA, Philippines — There are now 12 police suspects tagged in the EDSA holdup and kidnapping case which had been caught on camera.  The photo taken by a witness had gone viral over the internet and was a key material in identifying the police suspects. Ten of the police suspects have already been identified, while two other suspects have yet to be named. Two of the suspects – Chief Inspector Joseph De Vera […]

DepEd prepares for National Teachers’ Month

In the celebration of National Teachers’ Month, President Aquino said they are aiming, “to revitalize the image of teaching as a vocation by increasing public awareness on the value of teachers in Philippine society and national development.” This September is the start of National Teachers’ Month and will culminate on October 4, a day before the international celebration of World Teachers’ Day.  The President has also announced his endorsement of “National Prayer for Teachers” during […]

President Aquino sets US trip to attend UN summit on global climate change

MANILA, Sept. 9 (PNA) — The Philippines will urge developed countries to agree to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to address the challenge of climate change when President Benigno S. Aquino III delivers a speech in the Global Climate Change Summit during his upcoming visit to the United States this September 23 to 24. In a Palace press briefing, Climate Change Commission Secretary Mary Ann Lucille Sering underscored the need for consensus among 95 percent […]

MH17 passenger remains return to Malaysia

(Reuters) — Two more bodies of victims killed when a jetliner was downed in Ukraine in July returned to Malaysia on Tuesday (September 9), ahead of the release of the Dutch Transport Safety Board preliminary report into the downing of the plane. Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed after apparently being struck by a missile over war-tornUkraine on July 17, worsening a year of tragedy for the country following the baffling disappearance of another MAS flight in March. Bodies and wreckage from […]

Electricity power price hike seen by 2015

Energy price hikes of about 25 centavos per kilowatt hour are expected by year 2015, according to House of Representatives Committee on Energy Chairmen Reynaldo Umali. Private companies are thus advised to use generators or interruptible load programs as aid to the crisis. Under the interruptible load program (ILP), customers with large loads like commercial establishments will be asked to operate their own generator sets.  This is if the grid operator projects a need to […]

Iraq’s new government sworn in

(Reuters) — Iraq’s new government was sworn in on Monday (September 8) night in Baghdad in a bid to rescue Iraq from collapse, with sectarianism and Arab-Kurdish tensions on the rise. The parliament approved the new government to be headed by Haider al-Abadi as prime minister. Abadi is a Shi’ite Islamist. He included members of Iraq’s Shi’ite majority and its Kurdish and Sunni minorities in his cabinet. The swearing in of the government marks the start of Abadi’s uphill task to unify the […]

Expect lower electric bills in September

  Good news for electric consumers.  The Manila Electric Company has announced that the electric bills will go down P0.58 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) this month on lower generation and transmission charges resulting in lower electric bills in September. Generation charge went down to P5.19 per kWh which is its lowest level in 2014 to-date.  Last month, the rate was P5.63 per kWh.  The reason for the decrease in generation charge is the availability and reliability […]