Featured News

AFP hopes for peaceful APEC summit

In the wake of the terrorist attack in Paris, France, the Armed Forces of the Philippines said that it is ready for all kinds of scenario for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC Summit on November 18 and 19. The AFP will also heighten its visibility to prevent groups that are planning to sabotage said summit. The AFP also added that there is currently no need to change the security protocols in place. <em>(Eagle […]

Terrorist attack in Paris reaches 132

In the wake of the terrorist attack conducted by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, 132 were declared dead while 350 were injured with 100 in critical condition. President Francois Hollande declared a three-day period of mourning for the victims of what is considered as one of the largest terrorist attacks in Europe. (Eagle News Service Described by Jay Paul Carlos, Video Editing by Jericho Morales, Uploaded by MRFaith Bonalos) https://youtu.be/EsKkzVpZF1Q

For the first time, APEC 2015 to focus on MSMEs

  By Caesar Vallejos Eagle News online correspondent (Eagle News) — For the first time, the Asia Pacific Economic Council (APEC) will focus on micro-, small-, and medium-sized sized enterprises (MSMEs) through the APEC SME Summit 2015 on November 17 that highlights innovation as the enabler in transforming entrepreneurs as competitive market players in the global marketplace.  It will be held at the Green Sun in Makati City. “Innovation is a change of mindset that […]

Security heightened in Manila ahead of APEC summit

Philippine military and its police force remained on full alert on Monday (November 16), just two days before a summit of Asia-Pacific (APEC) leaders in Manila and three days following the deadly attacks in Paris. Regional tensions over the South China Sea and security concerns after the attack by Islamist militants on Paris could eclipse efforts by Pacific-rim leaders this week to boost trade and growth across a region of around 3 billion people. The […]

Despite terror attacks in Paris, all APEC economies will participate in the Leaders’ meeting next week

(MANILA) The Philippines can expect the participation of all 21 economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in the leaders’ meeting next week even amid the terror attacks in Paris, said Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Laura del Rosario. She said she has not received any notice of cancellation of participation from the APEC leaders and representatives. During a press briefing at the International Media Center at the World Trade Center in Pasay City Sunday, del Rosario […]

Obama says Paris killings an ‘attack on the civilized world’

U.S. President Barack Obama vowed on Sunday (November 15) to step up efforts to eliminate Islamic State in Syria and prevent it from carrying out attacks like those in Paris, while European leaders urged Russia to focus its military efforts on the radical Islamists. Speaking at a G20 leaders summit in Turkey, Obama described the killings in Paris claimed by Islamic State as an attack on the civilised world and said the United States would […]

Tourist sites closed as Paris tightens security following attacks

The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and many other tourist sites and public places in Paris remained closed on Sunday as the city stepped up security following a series of deadly attacks. French authorities closed the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and other top tourist sites in Paris until further notice, following the terror attacks Friday night that killed at least 129 people and injured more than 350 others. The Islamic State (IS) group has […]

After Paris attacks, pressure builds for big military response to Islamic State

(Reuters)  The Paris terror attacks are likely to galvanize a stronger global military response to Islamic State, after a U.S.-led air war that has lasted more than a year has failed to contain a group now proving itself to be a growing worldwide threat. The United States, long accused of taking an incremental approach to the struggle, is under growing political pressure at home and abroad to do more and it is expected to examine […]

Attack in Britain “highly likely” – Cameron

Prime Minister David Cameron convened Britain’s emergency response committee on Saturday (November 14) to discuss the attacks in Paris which left 127 people dead, while a terminal at the UK’s second-busiest airport was evacuated after a security alert. “The events in Paris are the worst act of violence in France since the second world war, the worst terrorist attack in Europe for a decade. A horrifying and sickening attack. Our hearts go out to the […]

Islamic State statement claims Paris attacks, says more to come

Islamic State claimed responsibility for Friday’s (November 13) gun and bomb attacks on Paris that killed 127 in a statement that appeared online on Saturday (November 14). In the worst attack, a Paris city hall official said four gunmen systematically slaughtered at least 87 young people at a rock concert at the Bataclan concert hall before anti-terrorist commandos launched an assault on the building. Dozens of survivors were rescued, and bodies were still being recovered […]

Dozens killed in Paris attacks, Hollande declares emergency

  (REUTERS) About 100 people were killed in the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris and 40 others have died in other locations in and around Paris in a militant attack, an official at Paris City hall said. Gunmen and bombers attacked busy restaurants, bars and a concert hall at locations around Paris on Friday evening, killing dozens of people in what a shaken President Francois Hollande described as an unprecedented terrorist attack The apparently […]