Featured News

Senator Bongbong Marcos believes that the Vice President can do more, whoever is the President

QUEZON City, Philippines – In an exclusive interview with Weng Dela Fuente of the program “Liwanagin Natin”, Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr., declared his belief that the Vice-President can do more for the country, whoever wins the President. He said that there is no need to totally agree with each other and that he will not be a mere “spare tire” if he ever wins the position of the Vice-President. Senator Marcos consistently held the […]

DOE assures power supply during May 9 elections

QUEZON City, Philippines – The Department of Energy assured the public that there will be an ample supply of electricity for the polling precincts during the national and local elections, except certain portions of Visayas and MIndanao, which will experience rotating brown-outs. (Eagle News Service Described by Jay Paul Carlos, Video Editing by Jericho Morales, Uploaded by MRFaith Bonalos) https://youtu.be/HYq4HOWYBMA

Indonesia will not pay ransom for 4 ASG captives

QUEZON City, Philippines – The Indonesian government stands firm that it will not pay ransom in exchange for the four Indonesian captives held by the Abu Sayyaf Group and will exert all diplomatic efforts to secure their release, like what was done to the ten other Indonesian prisoners. Aside from the four Indonesians, the Abu Sayyaf also holds four Malaysians, a Japanese, a Canadian, a Norwegian and a Filipina. https://youtu.be/ZLZX_6Zag8M

“Change your passwords” – PNP

QUEZON City, Philippines – The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group advised the public to change their passwords, especially those used in financial institutions, after the PNP-ACG arrested Joseph Nico Tan Ong, an identity theft suspect. The PNP-ACG added that the suspect may have used the publicized information from the hacking attack on the Commission on Elections website. (Eagle News Service Described by Jay Paul Carlos, Video Editing by Jericho Morales, Uploaded by MRFaith Bonalos)  

American prisoner relates experiences as prisoner of North Korea

QUEZON City, Philippines – Freed American prisoner, Kenneth Bae, related his experiences as a prisoner of North Korea for two years. Bae was sentenced with fifteen years of hard labor last 2013. He said that he was forced to work in a mine from eight in the morning to 6 in the evening and was also subjected to verbal abuse by North Korean officials. (Eagle News Service Described by Jay Paul Carlos, Video Editing by […]

‘Impossibly rare’ violet diamond found in Australia

SYDNEY, Australia (AFP) — A rare violet diamond, the largest of its kind ever found at Australia’s remote Argyle mine, will be the centerpiece of Rio Tinto’s annual pink diamonds showcase, the company said Tuesday. The rough gem, discovered in August 2015 at a mine where more than 90 percent of the world’s pink and red jewels are produced, originally weighed 9.17 carats and had etchings, pits and crevices. After weeks of assessment, the Argyle […]

Emotional return as first U.S. cruise in decades reaches Cuba

  (Reuters)    Hundreds of tourists and a handful of emotional Cuban-Americans arrived on the first U.S. cruise ship to sail to Havana in more than 50 years on Monday (April 4), spilling onto the cobbled streets of the old city where they were warmly greeted by residents. It was another first for the two countries since U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced a historic rapprochement in December 2014, and comes weeks […]

Japan agrees to lease military aircraft to Philippines

TOKYO , Japan (AFP) — Japan will lease military aircraft to the Philippines in another sign of deepening security ties between the two former foes to counter Beijing’s increasing regional influence. The agreement was made Monday afternoon during telephone talks between Japan’s Defence Minister Gen Nakatani and his Philippine counterpart Voltaire Gazmin, the ministry said. Tensions in the South China Sea — through which one third of the world’s oil passes — have mounted in […]

INCinema’s “Walang Take Two” gets 3 nominations, including “Best Film,” in Madrid filmfest

  (Eagle News) — After winning London’s International Film Festival award for best director in a foreign film, three more international nominations were received by the Philippines’ INCinema entry, “Walang Take Two,” this time from the prestigious Madrid International Film Festival. The three new nominations of the Iglesia Ni Cristo’s INCinema production, “Walang Take Two,” were for Best Cinematography in a Foreign Language Film, Best Director of a Foreign Language Feature Film, and Best Film. “Walang […]

Chrome crowned top Internet browser by market tracker

SAN Francisco, United States (AFP) — Google Chrome on Monday, May 2 was crowned the top Internet browser, officially ending the long reign of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). NetMarketShare calculated the Chrome had 41.7 percent of desktop browser share in April, narrowly topping the 41.4 share for IE. Mozilla’s Firefox browser was third with 9.7 percent, according to the market tracker. A second market tracker, StatCounter, had given the title to Chrome four years ago […]

US woman sues Starbucks for $5 mn over ice in cold drinks

WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — A Chicago woman is suing Starbucks for more than $5 million, claiming the coffee giant is under-filling its popular hand-blended iced coffee, tea and other drinks, making customers overpay for beverages. In a lawsuit seeking a jury trial and class action status, alleging false advertising and consumer fraud, Stacy Pincus accuses the world’s biggest coffee retailer of serving its customers “much less than advertised — often nearly half as many […]