Venezuela’s military backs Maduro, as standoff hardens with US

(Bottom row) Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez (C) delivers a press conference in Caracas, along with General Jesus Suarez Chourio General Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (L), Commandant of the Armed Forces Strategic Command Operations Remigio Ceballos (2-L), General Jose Adelino Ornelas Ferreira High Command Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (2-R) and Admiral Giuseppe Alessandrello Cimadevilla Commander of the Bolivarian National Navy, “in support of the constitutional president”, Nicolas Maduro on January 24, 2019. – Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro prepared to rally his military supporters Thursday as the US and key allies backed a challenge from his leading rival who declared himself “acting president.” Padrino Lopez said the military would show “backing for the sovereignty” of Venezuela. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP)

Venezuela’s powerful military threw its weight behind Nicolas Maduro on Thursday as the US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido pressed a direct challenge to his authority, and the fate of the crisis-wracked country hung in the balance.

As the death toll from days of street protests jumped to 26, a defiant Maduro announced the closure of Venezuela’s embassy and consulates in the United States, a day after President Donald Trump’s administration declared his regime “illegitimate.”

The oil-rich but economically devastated country was plunged into uncertainty Wednesday when Guaido, the 35-year-old head of the National Assembly, proclaimed himself “acting president” — earning swift endorsement from Washington and a dozen regional powers including Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.

Maduro’s reelection last year was contested by the opposition, and criticized internationally — but the socialist leader has until now retained the loyalty of the powerful military, whose response was being keenly watched.

Flanked by military top brass, the country’s Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, himself a general, declared the 56-year-old Maduro “the legitimate president” — and vowed to defend his authority against an attempted “coup d’etat.”

Following Padrino’s lead, eight generals in turn reiterated their “absolute loyalty and subordination” to the socialist leader in messages carried on state television.

And the Supreme Court — made up of regime loyalists — doubled down by reaffirming its allegiance to Maduro’s “legitimate authority.”

“A coup is brewing in Venezuela with the consent of foreign governments,” charged the court’s president Maikel Moreno.

(COMBO) This combination of pictures created on January 24, 2019 shows (L) Venezuela’s National Assembly head Juan Guaido waving to the crowd during a mass opposition rally against leader Nicolas Maduro in which he declared himself the country’s “acting president”, on the anniversary of a 1958 uprising that overthrew military dictatorship, in Caracas on January 23, 2019 and Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro speaking during a press conference, where he warned the Lima Group that he would take energetic measures if they do not rectify their position on Venezuela in 48 hours, on the eve of assuming a new six-year mandate, at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela on January 9, 2018. – On January 23, 2018 Guaido, 35, proclamed himself “acting president” and was swiftly recognized by the United States and about a dozen regional governments, including those of Brazil, Argentina and Colombia. An enraged Maduro responded by breaking off diplomatic ties with the “imperialist” US government, ordering its diplomats to leave within 72 hours. (Photo by Yuri CORTEZ and Federico PARRA / AFP)

– ‘Debate is done’ –

Analysts at the Eurasia Group consultancy noted that while international recognition of Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president cemented his position as the main opposition leader, he had failed to win over senior elements of the military.

In that light, “Maduro’s fall does not appear imminent,” the analysts wrote.

In Washington, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo kept up the pressure on the leftist leader, as the United States called for an emergency UN Security Council meeting on the crisis.

“The time for debate is done. The regime of former president Nicolas Maduro is illegitimate,” Pompeo said in a speech to the Organization of American States, warning him against the use of force towards demonstrators.

A furious Maduro on Wednesday issued US diplomats a 72-hour deadline to leave the country, and on Thursday said he was recalling all Venezuelan diplomats from the United States.

The State Department meanwhile ordered its non-emergency staff to leave Venezuela but refused to comply with a full expulsion, saying it would maintain diplomatic ties with “the government of interim President Guaido.”

Trump meanwhile has openly mused about military intervention in Venezuela, saying “all options are on the table,” and analysts suggest he could consider further economic sanctions against the country, a third of whose oil production goes to the US.

The Republican president has found rare support from the Democratic Party over Venezuela, but one prominent dissenting voice was independent Senator Bernie Sanders.

“We must learn the lessons of the past and not be in the business of regime change or supporting coups — as we have in Chile, Guatemala, Brazil and the Dominican Republic,” the 2016 presidential hopeful said in a statement, while also condemning Venezuela’s crackdown on protesters.

Outside South America, the United States has been joined by Canada and Britain in recognizing Guaido as Venezuela’s interim leader, while France has also rejected Maduro’s legitimacy.

But both Russia and China and have thrown their weight behind the embattled Maduro.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called Maduro to express support, charging that the “crisis has been provoked from the outside.”

China, Venezuela’s main creditor, opposed “interference in Venezuelan affairs by external forces.”

Maduro has retained the support of Mexico, Cuba and Bolivia, all led by leftist governments.

Pilgrims hold a giant flag reading “Pray for Venezuela” as they wait for the arrival of Pope Francis for his welcoming ceremony at Campo Santa Maria La Antigua in Panama City during World Youth Day on January 24, 2019. – Pope Francis will on Thursday formally open World Youth Day celebrations which have drawn around 200,000 young people from around the world to Panama where he is expected to defend Central American migrants and human rights. (Photo by Raul Arboleda / AFP)

– Military support key –

Maduro has presided over a deepening economic crisis that has left the country facing shortages of basic necessities such as food and medicine.

Some 2.3 million people have fled the country since 2015, according to the United Nations. Inflation is forecast to hit 10 million percent this year.

Guaido’s bold move capped three days of high tension that began Monday when a group of soldiers took over a command post in the capital Caracas and rose up against Maduro.

That uprising was quickly quashed and officials said 27 people were arrested but it set off a wave of smaller protests that were met by security forces using tear gas and rubber bullets.

Wednesday then saw the first mass street protests in Venezuela since a crackdown on anti-government protests between April and July 2017 claimed the lives of 125 people.

Leading figures around the world have appealed for calm to avoid a repeat of the bloodshed — as a Caracas-based NGO, the Social Conflict Observatory, said 26 people had been killed since this week’s protests began four days ago.

Speaking at the World Youth Day in Panama, Pope Francis’s spokesman said he was “praying for the victims and for all the people of Venezuela.”

And UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, appealed for dialogue to keep the crisis from spiraling out of control.
