Take a Look: Panda sisters wrestle, play basketball on new playground set

DUJIANGYAN CITY, China (CCTV) — Human children are not the only kids in town who love swing sets. A pair of panda sisters named Panyue and Yanhui who live at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda (CCRCGP) in Sichuan Province can be found sliding, swinging, wrestling and climbing on their new playset at all hours of the day, when they are not reclining and munching on bamboo shoots that is.

The sisters would always compete for the best bamboo at meal times. Seeing their competitive personalities, zookeepers bought the sisters their very own playground set, equipped with a swing, a slide and a basketball net.

Although the pandas love their new playground, they’re still working out how each piece of equipment works, as they can be seen wrestling and rolling down the slide, climbing the swing and using their bodies as basketballs as they push themselves through the narrow hoop head first.

Almost everything is fun and games for these two sisters, but they also enjoy some down time together, drinking milk, eating bamboo, and cleaning each other.