President Aquino condemns “barbaric” attack on Pakistani school

President Aquino has condemned Tuesday’s attack on a Pakistani army-run school that left at least 141 dead, mostly children.

“Today, we join the world in condemning the outrage perpetrated on innocent schoolchildren, and school officials and personnel in Peshawar, Pakistan,” President Aquino said in a statement released at Official Gazette (

“The senseless deaths of so many young lives, and the barbarism of this attack is an affront to all civilized peoples. Such an act of terror and savagery deserves nothing less than our condemnation. There can be no justification for this tragedy, which has dishonored Islam,” he said.

The President said the Filipino people are one with the people of Pakistan in mourning.

“Today, every person of goodwill is a father, mother, brother, and sister to the people of Pakistan,” he added.

According to news reports, seven Taliban attackers, all wearing bomb vests, entered the school and attacked an auditorium where children were taking an exam. 

They reportedly went from classroom to classroom, shooting students and teachers. At least 132 children and nine staff members were killed and 125 people were wounded. All seven attackers were killed, reports said. (PND)