Updated: Panic buying in Florida as Category 5 Hurricane Irma nears

Video courtesy Eagle News Service contributor Mike Robinson in Orlando, Florida.    Taken in Super Target, Hunters’ Creek.    (Eagle News Service)



(Video courtesy Ricky Bravo taken in Walmart in Gainesville, Florida)

Hurricane Irma, now a category 5 hurricane, is expected to impact the central Florida region in the next few days.

Because of this, Central Florida families have not wasted any time in preparing for this storm, which is being called the worst ever recorded hurricane in the Atlantic region.

Individuals and families have been stocking up on the essentials including water, bread, and non-perishable foods, that many grocery and discount stores are unable to keep their shelves stocked.

In Gainesville, Florida, for instance, it’s already hard to find supplies. In the video sent by an Eagle News Service correspondent in the area, food shelves at the local Walmart are mostly empty. There is no water, very little bread and no more ready to eat foods.

The same panic-buying of goods is happening in Miami and Orlando, Florida.

Gas stations have also been busy with individuals trying to fill their tanks before gas prices rise.

(with Melissa Potes and Ricky Bravo, from EBC Florida, Eagle News Service)