Launch of open doors, open hearts comic book brings together the families of the rescuer and rescued

The year 2017 marks the 80th anniversary of one of the most extraordinary humanitarian stories on the eve of World War II which centers around the Philippines.

This is the Open Door policy initiated and installed by Manuel L. Quezon and the rescue of 1,300 Jewish souls from the Holocaust.

Over the past years, the story was highlighted in a variety of ways, with additional research that shed some light on the very unique decision-making process that led to this policy and eventually to the rescue of those people in desperate need.

In the heart of the story is the moral victory of the Philippines in contrast to the moral collapse of many of those that considered themselves enlightened nations.

Between the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, the world was facing the darkest chapter in human history.

More than 100 million people lost their lives to World War II and the Holocaust of the Jewish people became the symbol of the moral collapse as this genocide was totally centered on racism, racial supremacy and megalomania.

Manuel L. Quezon was actually exemplifying a very strong moral conviction and a clear moral compass that was in the heart of his policy decision.

He decided to grant 10,000 visas to Jewish refugees escaping the horrors of Nazism in Europe.

He had to stand up against strong opposition at home and especially abroad.

However, with the support of then US High Commissioner Paul McNutt and leaders of the Jewish community led by the Frieder brothers and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, it was possible for 1,300 out of 10,000 to reach the shores of the Philippines.

The unknown story is that many of those refugees turned the Philippines into their homes and among them are many distinguished Filipinos and families.

The events are the subject of a special comic book that was launched in Manila under the title “Open Doors, Open Hearts – the story of how Manuel L. Quezon and the Philippines saved 1,300 Jewish souls from the Holocaust.”

A unique get-together of the Quezon family, the savers, and the Hahn family, the saved – all living in the Philippines, together with Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, Israel’s Ambassador Effie Ben Matityau and the comic book’s creative team led by Sarge Lacuesta.

During the launch, we brought together the Quezon family, the savers; and the Hahn family of the Philippines, the saved. Manuel Quezon’s daughter Nini Quezon-Avanceña met for the first time Leticia Hahn who married a son of one of the refugees and raised a wonderful family that makes a difference in this society.

The event was graced by Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana who himself was fascinated by this chapter of Philippine history which he first learned about when he was military attache in Washington. The creative team behind the comic book are Sarge Lacuesta, JV Tanjuatco, Jim Jimenez and Jesus Crisologo.