Lake Holon closed to tourists

KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato, Jan. 10 (PIA) —  Once again, popular tourist destination Lake  Holon  in  Tboli town, this province, is closed  to  local and  foreign tourist.

The  temporary closure of   the Lake  Holon, took effect last  Saturday (January 7) and will  be  enforced  until  March 10, 2017.

This is the third time  that  the local  government unit  blocked  entry to the area to allow  the lake and its environment  “to refresh.”

Tboli Mayor  Dibu  Tuan, In his  memorandum to  Municipal  Tourism  Officer  Rodel Hilado dated  January 3, ordered that while the lake is closed to  visitors,  the  LGU will conduct  training and refresher course  for the  frontline  service  providers,  rehabilitate the facilities and  conduct  biodiversity assessment in the  area.

Dubbed as  the “The Crown Jewel of the South,”  Lake Holon   is the crater  of  Mt. Melibengoy (also known as Mt. Parker). It sits  at 1,756  meters above sea level  and recognized  as the cleanest inland  water in the country.

Lake  Holon  is  popular to  local and  foreign  adventure seekers  who must endure 3 to 5  hours of  trekking, depending on the pace,  through  trails  that offer a firsthand experience  with nature.

A tour to the place also  offers  visitors an encounter with the  Tboli people and their culture.

Along with Lake  Sebu, Tboli  were  recognized as   among the Top 100  Sustainable Destinations in  World in 2016  by the international  environment  advocacy  group  Green Destinations.

Other  popular  tourist spots in  Tboli, including  Hidak Falls, Bakngeb Cave and others   remain  open to  public.   (DEDoguiles-PIA 12)