Indonesia awaits execution of convicted drug traffickers

Firing_Squad_executionAPRIL 28 (Reuters) — Activities in Cilacap, where the prison island of Nusakambangan is located, remained normal on Tuesday (April 28) despite increased police presence at the port area as Indonesia waited for the imminent executions of convicted drug traffickers.

Indonesia has informed two Australians, one Nigerian and four other death-row drug convicts that they will be executed in a matter of days, possibly as soon as Tuesday, despite last-minute appeals for clemency from the Australian government and others.

The seven would face a firing squad if the executions are to be carried out.

Many Indonesians urged the government to stand firm on the sentencing.

“I hope the executions are done now, you see, if the drug traffickers are not punished now, the situation in this country will be worse,” said a local resident of Cilacap, Daniel, who like many Indonesians go by one name.

“In my personal opinion, the government should be firm in this matter because if the government is in doubt, it will create bad situation in the country too. So the government must be more firm in tackling this matter,” said another Ujang Ahmar after passing through a police checkpoint on his way home.

Indonesia has harsh punishments for drug crimes and resumed executions in 2013 after a five-year gap, a hard line that has strained relations with several countries. (Cilacap, Inodnesia)