
Endangered Galapagos tortoises suffer from human waste: study

QUITO, Nov 9, 2023 (AFP) – Endangered giant Galapagos tortoises continue to swallow plastic and other human waste despite a ban on disposable plastic items in the Ecuadoran archipelago, according to a study published Wednesday. Turtles of the species Chelonoidis porteri ingest plastic in and around urban centers on the island of Santa Cruz, according to the study by the Charles Darwin Foundation, which is dedicated to conservation efforts in the Galapagos. Researchers analyzed 5,500 […]

China says climate talks with US a success

BEIJING, Nov 9, 2023 (AFP) – China said Thursday that climate talks with the United States had been a success, following talks aimed at strengthening cooperation between the world’s two largest greenhouse gas emitters. The talks between the top officials come ahead of a meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping next week, as the two powers seek to improve ties after years of frosty relations. Beijing’s Ministry of Ecology and […]

Hottest October on record as 2023 on track to be warmest year in history

By Kelly MACNAMARA PARIS, Nov 8, 2023 (AFP) – Last month was the hottest October on record globally, Europe’s climate monitor said Wednesday, as months of exceptional heat are likely to make 2023 the warmest year in history. With temperatures soaring beyond previous averages by exceptional margins, scientists say the pressure on world leaders to curb planet-heating greenhouse gas pollution has never been more urgent as they prepare to meet in Dubai for the UN […]

‘Air-pocalypse’: Indian capital launches ‘Green War Room’

By Abhaya SRIVASTAVA NEW DELHI, Nov 3, 2023 (AFP) – The enemy is nearly invisible and there are no soldiers, but the Indian capital’s new “Green War Room” is battling air pollution that is cutting lives of residents by over a decade. “It’s a pollution emergency”, said Gopal Rai, environment minister for the rapidly expanding megacity of over 20 million people, consistently ranked the world’s worst capital for air quality. Rai dubs the problem an […]

Australian police arrest woman suspected of poisoning family with mushrooms

By Sharon MARRIS SYDNEY, Nov 2, 2023 (AFP) – Australian police on Thursday arrested the woman at the centre of a mushroom meal mystery that left three people dead and a local preacher fighting for his life. The arrest of Erin Patterson, 49, is the latest twist in a saga that has gripped the nation and thrust the spotlight on the small rural town of Leongatha, 110 kilometres (70 miles) southeast of Melbourne. Detective Inspector […]

Flooding, heavy rain kill three in Vietnam

HANOI, November 1, 2023 (AFP) – Three people died after days of heavy rain in central and north Vietnam that flooded homes and submerged roads, disaster management authorities said Tuesday. Access to several communities in central Ha Tinh province has been cut off, while the police and military have been mobilised to rescue people from high-risk areas. A woman and a 13-year-old boy were found dead in the province after being swept away by strong […]

Drought-hit farmers in US heartland hope Mississippi ‘comes back’

By Ulysse BELLIER TURRELL, United States, Oct 24, 2023 (AFP) – Jonathan Driver, an Arkansas farmer with blackened hands and a thick southern drawl, doesn’t have a minute to spare. He’s been working 16 or 17 hours a day to finish harvesting his crops and — an added stress this year — to find someplace to store tons of excess soybeans. “Getting it out of that field is very crucial,” Driver said as he stepped […]

The race to save post-glacial landscapes amidst glacier retreat

By Amélie HERENSTEIN LES CONTAMINES, France, Oct 19, 2023 (AFP) – Water surged through a desolate canyon of grey rock into a blue-grey lake, an ancient landscape only revealed to humanity in recent decades because France’s glaciers have retreated so far. The rocks bore the markings of the ice and, on an unseasonably hot day in October high above the ski resort of Chamonix, experts from the Ice and Life research project were clear that […]

Dust in the air worsened in 2022: UN

By Robin MILLARD GENEVA, Oct 19, 2023 (AFP) – The amount of dust in the world’s air worsened in 2022, the United Nations said on Thursday, as it called for more research into how climate change may increase sandstorm hotspots. The UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said the slight rise was due to increased emissions from west-central Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, the Iranian Plateau and northwestern China. “Human activities are having an impact on sand […]

Reversing warming may stop Greenland ice sheet collapse: study

Breaching the global warming limits of the world’s climate goals could see the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet add more than a metre to rising sea levels, according to new research on Wednesday. But the study by an international team of researchers found there would still be hope to prevent a collapse of the ice sheet — if warming is reversed and brought back to the safer level. The melting of Greenland’s vast ice sheet […]

To find out how wildlife is doing, scientists try listening

By Sara HUSSEIN BANGKOK, Oct 18, 2023 (AFP) – A reedy pipe and a high-pitched trill duet against the backdrop of a low-pitched insect drone. Their symphony is the sound of a forest, and is monitored by scientists to gauge biodiversity. The recording from the forest in Ecuador is part of new research looking at how artificial intelligence could track animal life in recovering habitats. When scientists want to measure reforestation, they can survey large […]

10% of dolphins killed as Amazon drought hits lake: study

RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct 17, 2023 (AFP) – An estimated 10 percent of the dolphins in a picturesque lake in the Brazilian Amazon were killed in a week as a record drought and searing temperatures devastate the region, researchers said Tuesday. Emergency teams found 153 dolphins dead in the last week of September in Lake Tefe, where water temperatures reached 39.1 degrees Celsius, more than seven degrees higher than the normal maximum, according to the […]