
Greek wildfire spares key archaeological site

ATHENS, Greece (AFP) — One of Greece’s most important archaeological sites escaped serious damage after firefighters tamed a wildfire that lashed the surrounding countryside, officials said on Monday. The fire erupted at noon on Sunday near the ruins of Mycenae, one of the centres of ancient Greek civilisation, about 120 kilometres (75 miles) south-west of Athens, prompting the evacuation of visitors and staff. “The damage caused to the archaeological site was the least possible, as […]

Japan party vote to replace PM Abe set for Sept 14: reports

TOKYO, Japan (AFP) — Japan’s ruling party will vote September 14 on a replacement for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the country’s longest-serving premier, who is resigning for health reasons, local media reported on Tuesday. An official announcement from the Liberal Democratic Party is expected either later Tuesday or Wednesday, but a decision on a limited vote that will exclude rank-and-file members has already been approved. Candidates will be required to register their run on September […]

Canada researchers investigating acai berry to fight Covid

OTTAWA, Canada (AFP) — Canadian researchers said Monday they are investigating a popular superfood — the acai berry — as a treatment to prevent Covid-19’s most severe symptoms. Past studies have shown the berry’s extract may act as an inflammation inhibitor, which doctors believe could help prohibit the severe inflammatory response caused by the coronavirus. University of Toronto scientists Michael Farkouh and Ana Andreazza, who have studied the berry’s effect on inflammation responses for nearly […]

Sudan flood death toll rises to 89

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AFP) — Floods in Sudan caused by more than a month of torrential rains have killed 89 people and injured 44, according to a new toll announced by the civil defence Monday. A total of 37,249 homes and 150 public buildings have been destroyed by the flooding, Sudan’s civil defense organisation added in a statement. Heavy rains usually fall in Sudan from June to October, and the country faces severe flooding every year. […]

US passes 6 million Covid-19 cases: Johns Hopkins

WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — The United States on Monday passed six million coronavirus cases, according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University, adding one million new infections in less than a month. The country remains by far the most impacted in the world by the pandemic in absolute terms, with nearly a quarter of global infections and 183,203 deaths from Covid-19, the Baltimore-based university’s tracker showed. The number of new daily cases has […]

Brazil’s Bolsonaro to undergo surgery for kidney stone

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AFP) — Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said Monday he had been diagnosed with a kidney stone and would undergo surgery in September to remove it. The far-right leader, 65, has had a series of health issues, including four surgeries stemming from an attack in which he was stabbed in the abdomen during his 2018 presidential campaign. “I felt a little pain, so I went for a checkup. But I’m fine. It’s […]

India accuses China of new ‘provocative’ border action

NEW DELHI, India (AFP) –The Indian military on Monday accused China of carrying out “provocative” movements on their contested Himalayan border near where 20 Indian troops were killed in a battle in June. A defence ministry statement said the incidents happened in eastern Ladakh on Saturday night but did not indicate whether there was a new clash. Chinese People’s Liberation Army troops “carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo” at the border, […]

Tens of thousands march in Belarus capital despite crackdown

  by Tatiana Kalinovskaya Agence France Presse MINSK, Belarus (AFP) — Tens of thousands of opposition supporters marched through Minsk Sunday, calling for an end to strongman Alexander Lukashenko’s rule amid a heavy security presence and despite dozens of arrests. Belarus protests have entered a third week since the disputed presidential election on August 9 in which Lukashenko claimed victory. Opposition rival Svetlana Tikhanovskaya says she was the true winner, meanwhile. An AFP journalist and […]

US protesters rally against mandatory flu shots for students

  BOSTON, United States (AFP) — Hundreds of people demonstrated Sunday in the US city of Boston against a new state rule mandating flu shots for students, a measure intended to ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The northeastern state of Massachusetts became on August 19 the first in the United States to add seasonal flu shots to a list of mandatory vaccines for students, though exemptions are granted for religious or health reasons. […]

US floats idea of early approval for eventual COVID-19 vaccine

  WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — The head of the US Food and Drug Administration raised the possibility in an interview published Sunday that a future vaccine against the coronavirus might be given emergency approval before the end of trials designed to ensure its safety and effectiveness. A request for such extraordinary approval would have to come from the vaccine developer, Stephen Hahn told the Financial Times. “If they do that before the end of […]

Global virus cases cross 25 million as India sets grim record of

  by Glenda Kwek, with AFP Bureaus Agence France Presse NEW DELHI, India (AFP) — Global coronavirus infections soared past 25 million on Sunday, as countries around the world further tightened restrictions to try to stop the rampaging pandemic. A million additional cases have been detected globally roughly every four days since mid-July, according to an AFP tally, with India on Sunday setting the record for the highest single-day rise in cases with 78,761. The […]

Brazil surpasses 120,000 COVID deaths

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AFP) — Just over six months after registering its first case of the new coronavirus, Brazil crossed the grim threshold of 120,000 people killed by Covid-19 Saturday, with no end in sight to the crisis. The country of 212 million people has now registered 120,262 deaths from the virus and 3,846,153 infections, the health ministry said in its daily update. Brazil is just the second country to surpass a death toll […]