Australia toughens foreign worker visas; says Australian jobs for Australians

Australia will abolish a temporary work visa popular with foreigners and replace it with a visa requiring better English-language and work skills says Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)
Australia will abolish a temporary work visa popular with foreigners and replace it with a visa requiring better English-language and work skills says Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.(Grabbed from Reuters video)

CANBERRA, Australia (Reuters) — Australia will abolish a temporary work visa popular with foreigners and replace it with a visa requiring better English-language and work skills, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Tuesday (April 18).

Turnbull rejected suggestions the visa policy change was in response to far-right wing political parties, such as One Nation, demanding more nationalistic policies.

He said the visa change would attract better skilled workers and see Australians employed over cheap foreign workers brought in under the old 457 visa program.

The 457 visa was designed to fill Australia’s skills shortage and allow holders to bring members of their family to Australia on 457 secondary visa.

Anyone now in Australia on a 457 visa will not be affected by the new arrangements.

The 457 visa, now used by about 95,000 foreign workers, will be replaced by a new temporary visa and the list of occupations that qualify for a visa will be reduced from more than 200.