One time ‘world’s heaviest man’ on strict weight loss plan


Following two rounds of surgery, a strict diet and exercise, Juan Pedro Franco, once certified as the world’s heaviest man, has managed to lose about 250 kilograms (550 pounds) in less than two years after once weighing in at 595 kilos.

Vine con la esperanza de bajar de peso, yo llegué con un peso de 595 kilos, ya me practicaron una banda gástrica, que fue el 9 de mayo, y un bypass gástrico que fue en noviembre, y pues muy contento porque todo va bien.  (I came [to a clinic] hoping to lose weight. I arrived weighing 595 kilos and I underwent gastric band surgery, on May 9. The gastric bypass was in November and I’m very happy because everything is going well),” said Franco, 33, once certified as the world’s heaviest man

His doctor, Jose Antonio Castaneda, said Franco is turning out to be an excellent patient as he works out everyday.

Cada día a día, el está haciendo ejercicio, intenta pararse, intenta salir adelante, eso nos habla de que es un paciente, un excelente paciente, una persona con una actitud bastante positive. (He is working out every day, trying to stand, move forward, that tells us that he is an excellent patient, a person with a very positive attitude),” Castaneda said.

(Agence France Presse)