Why is “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” epic?

QUEZON City, Philippines (December 29) – Warning! Here be spoilers! And with that out of the way, I will say this outright and I will fight anyone that disagrees, “Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens” is the most epic movie of the year.

Source: www.ibtimes.co.uk

So, this may not be the most balanced of articles, but hey, it was written by a self-confessed Star Wars geek.

Ever since I felt a disturbance in the Force – in the form of the first teaser – I have been impatiently waiting for Episode VII. It has been years since the last installment, and Star Wars fans all over the globe have felt the drought.

Source: www.details.com

Of course, I would be lying if I didn’t feel a little apprehension about the new sequel. After all, George Lucas himself blundered when he created the prequel trilogy, proving that even the Star Wars creator himself cannot capture the unique magic that the original trilogy possessed. And unlike the hardcore fans, I kinda liked the prequel trilogy.

Source: www.thehollywoodnews.com

I started pestering my friends and family members to join me in the cinema and watch the films. Sadly, most of them are completely disinterested. But, I managed to convince one to accompany me.

Once the iconic score by John Williams started followed by the legendary words: ” A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…” I must confessed that I got teary-eyed. Then the movie started.

Source: www.cinemablend.com

For those who haven’t seen the movie, this is your last chance to leave!

The Force Awakens is set 30 years after the events portrayed in the Return of the Jedi. And as it turns out, not everything is peachy after the fall of the Empire. Although the Republic was restored, a new, sinister organization succeeded the Empire and the another organization continues to thwart their evil plans.

Source: screenrant.com

The search is on for the only remaining Jedi in the galaxy and both the First Order and the Resistance are racing against each other to find Luke Skywalker.

Speaking as a fan, the apprehension that I talked about earlier was gone in the first few minutes of the film. Episode VII brings back that sense of wonder that the original trilogy embodied. This is what future mythology should look like.

Bringing back the original cast is a great decision on the part of JJ Abrams. The appearance of Han Solo and Leia Organa made the movie more credible for the die-hard fans.

Source: www.theguardian.com

The art of storytelling basically remains the same, whether your medium is through words or through film. And to know if you are sharing a good story, just count the number of goosebumps.

Judging by the number of goosebumps, Star Wars truly is the epic of our modern times.

(ENS, written by Jay Paul Carlos, additional research by Vince Alvin Villarin)

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