Types of Facebookers

In honor of Facebook’s 10th anniversary, let us define the different kinds of Facebook commenters we usually encounter. Sometimes, we tend to notice someone’s personality by reading its comments to any of our posts, and we usually scan comments by others when our favorite artists posted something in their fan pages.

Here are 4 types of Facebookers we usually encounter on Facebook. Please no hard feelings and don’t be offended.

1. The Liker

They are the types of people who like every single status, photo upload, photo shared and even comments by others. The liker thinks that every status you posted is the funniest and the coolest thing in the entire world.

image: sentimentalseahorse.tumblr.com

2. The Grammar Corrector

Ever encountered someone whose hobby is to correct someone else’s grammar, spelling or information? Everyone kinda hates this person. Guys, if you feel like compelled someone to correct their grammar in a Facebook status, try to ask yourself first what you gonna gain for this superiority. Is pissing someone off worthy?

image: your-reaction-gifs.tumblr.com/

3. The First

Commenter who is just too proud being the first one who liked a photo posting comment like “FIRST” or “First to like”, honestly we’re not quite sure what is the big deal in this. You are not in the contest and there is no an award for it or acknowledgment. Right?

image: your-reaction-gifs.tumblr.com/

4. The This-is-happening-to-me-right-now kind of – “Now eating my popcorn while watching Frozen”, “I am going to mall now”, “Heavy traffic is the death of me!” How fascinating, indeed!But half of the world doesn’t want to know what you’re doing, whether you’re patiently waiting for a taxi, or thinking what style of shoes you want to buy.

image: your-reaction-gifs.tumblr.com/



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