Tips for the Centennial Celebration

Here are some friendly reminders for the upcoming centennial celebration:

You want to take as much photos of the event and enjoy every moment, you definitely do not want to find yourself struggling about finding an outlet because there will be none, so bring your emergency portable charger! You will need this! more
It is always great to care about our environment! Make sure to bring a trash bag that will help you collect trash around the area so that you can leave the venue without mess! It is such a great feeling to get to help and be responsible for your surroundings!more
There will indeed be a lot of walking around the venue, it is always good to wear comfortable shoes so that you will enjoy every moment of the program. And remember, you always have to be presentable! more
We will be having a peaceful and happy celebration so there would be no need for anyone to bring firearms or dangerous items such as knives, pepperspray and the like. Anyone who will be seen with these items will not be allowed in the area. We are all for a peace loving occasionmore
It is always important to be prepared just in case anyone feels dizzy or feels unwell. Remember, it is always better to be prepared than sorry. Bring emergency meds like headache pills, allergy medicine or medicines that may be taken on the go.more
Yes, we would also like to remind you to stay happy and smile! There will a lot of reasons to smile of course! Remember to always be kind and considerate to everyone! This is what will set this gathering apart from others! So remember smile and be happy! more
This will be a memorable and huge event with a lot of happy and excited people! It would always be safe to bring extra snacks aside from the food that will be found at the venue! And sharing food and snacks is always a great way to meet new people! Just remember to keep the area clean!more
There will be a lot of people and it is important that you stay clean and fresh. Bring wet wipes, tissue, isopropyl alcohol, and antibacterial gel, so that when you use the portable toilets it will be clean and sterilized for the next user. Remember to clean up after yourself. It is always nice and admirable to be considerate of the next user! more
Exercising and vitamins will help prepare your body and immune system to be strong in preparation for the big day!
Around 1 million people is expected so you would not want to have a difficult time finding your loved ones just in case they get lost, make sure that you all have a buddy so that both of you can look after each other and no one will get lost! After all, we would like to have a great time enjoying the program. more
It will be very hot and expect that there will be a lot of people in the area. We are expecting around 1 million people from all over the country and from abroad, so you want to enjoy, and in doing that don’t forget to come in well prepared with water bottles, towels, extra clothes and fans! more

Everyone’s really excited,better use these official hashtags:

#IglesiaNiCristo #PhilippineArena #IglesiaNiCristoCentennial #CiudadDeVictoria


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