Sara Duterte slams Trillanes; “Leave me alone,” she says

(Eagle News) — Davao Mayor Sara Duterte slammed Senator Antonio Trillanes IV on Wednesday, June 13, after the opposition lawmaker claimed she would run for the presidency in 2022 under President Rodrigo Duterte’s “plan C” so the Duterte family could allegedly stay in power.

“LEAVE ME ALONE, Senator Trillanes. The last time a person irked me, I made sure to make it difficult for him to bring me down and Speaker Boy Nograles lost that election and was a billion pesos poorer,” the presidential daughter said in a social media post.

“Leave me in peace in Davao City or else you and your friends will spend more than a billion in the 2022 presidential elections just to make me insignificant,” she added.

The Davao mayor also referenced what happened between her and Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, with whom she also engaged in a word war after he called her a member of the opposition.

This was following her launch of her regional political party, the Hugpong ng Pagbabago, which she said actually had her father’s blessing.

“Like Speaker Alvarez, my advice to you is not to think of me, speak of my name, not even a whisper of Inday Sara from your ugly lips,” she told Trillanes.

She said if this was the case, “my slot will be available for a yellow Senator for the 2019 elections.”

“President Duterte imagines you will be shot, on the other hand, I will make sure you are alive and in pain. I have been described as heartless by my mother, please do not anger me so that you may remain relevant for the future generation. And you should listen to my mother,” the Davao mayor said.

Under “plan C” to supposedly keep the Dutertes in power,  Trillanes said the President would push for the candidacy of the Davao mayor for the Senate in 2019, and then for the presidency in 2022.

He said the first option was to declare martial law and establish a revolutionary government, and the second was charter change.


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