Righting Your Budget With The Right App


We all know that technology makes our life much more efficient in handling our daily activities. Sadly, it can also potentially burn a hole in our pockets. So how can we balance things out and make technology (gadgets in particular), work for us by saving more and handling our expenses? Let us run you through some possibilities!

You could start by downloading what is referred to as ‘Budget Management Apps’. Why? Well, your smartphone is beyond just uploading pictures and staring at your newsfeed on social networking sites all day; it can also be a money-saving device and tracker for all your expenses. Especially now, knowing that almost everyone has access to affordable mobile devices like tablets and smartphones, you can use them in organizing your daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly budget.

You could start using applications such as Mint Quickview which made the Mac App Store’s Best of 2012 list for a reason. This is a simple, clean app that can show you all your expenses and income then organizes them into neat and specific categories that will cater to all your budgeting needs. Another great thing to look forward to Mint Quickview is that it is free!

Another important app would be Check. I know we all hate forgetting our bill due dates. Well, this app compartmentalizes everything efficiently so that you never miss a bill payment again. It also reminds you of the due days of your payments and has the option of letting you pay on the spot from a bank account or credit card and you can even schedule a payment for the future. You can also connect all of your accounts to the encrypted app and then view them all easily in just one place. Another great thing is it’s free and available on both Apple and Android devices.

Technology should be a tool that we use to make our lives both efficient and productive. Getting hooked on unprofitable online activities can leave us quite unaccomplished at the end of the day. It is also important to look for the technology that will compliment and work best with your lifestyle, and hopefully ends up with us saving a peso or two.

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