Procrastination’s Bestfriend


QUEZON City, Philippines (September 9) – I don’t even know how to tell you how to stop procrastinating because that’s what I am doing right now. This article actually took me a day to finish because well, as you can see, procrastination’s being my best friend for quite some time now. And I don’t know if I like it or I’m just stuck with it.

Probably just stuck. Who knows?

Okay, so now it’s time for me to give you tips on how to stop procrastination.

  1. Remind yourself that there’s always more to be done than can be done. Then ask yourself if you’re getting the right things done.
  2. Make a smart to-do list by including only the items that you’re avoiding, not the ones you know you’ll do anyway. Then set deadlines.
  3. Break the task down to lessen the sense of being overwhelmed. Once you start to enjoy a small accomplishment or two, you’re more likely to finish.
  4. Eliminate temptation to do something else (if your siren song is the computer, see “Tuning out digital distractions” below).
  5. Bargain with yourself. If you finish the business plan now, you can go to the movies later.
  6. Focus on the success you will achieve and the joy you will feel.
  7. Come up with a consequence that will deter you from avoiding the task. If you don’t exercise two times a week, you have to give up talking on the phone with your friends.
  8. Ask someone to help you complete the task.
  9. Make your intentions public. This will add pressure, but for some of us, avoiding embarrassment is the mightiest motivator.

And from yours truly, here are the tips which may help you move to your lazy bones:

  1. Keep in mind that your enemy is coming

And your enemy is here, he’s called the Deadline. One thing you must know is that a deadline is always a deadline, no matter what it takes. All you have to do is keep in mind that you have to do it regardless of how heavy the task can be it. You just have to do it.

  1. Focus, focus and focus

I know it’s really hard but you could at least give a try. You have to have a goal. All you need is that spirit which will keep you motivated until your work is done. Your crush, perhaps?

  1. Always remember that sleep is for the weak


Seriously dude, you have to remember this. But not literally. You just have to be alert and updated so you can start your things accordingly to what is needed to be done. Once your work is done, go get yourself a treat.

Earl of Chesterfield once said that “It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in.”

To make the long story short: everybody procrastinates. Even you, you’re also guilty. But it is okay I guess, as long as you have to do the things which are needed and you’ll sure about making it to the deadline, you’ll be okay. Afterall, everybody needs a break, right?

(written by Joana Joy Tan Marcaida, edited by Jay Paul Carlos, additional research by Lovely Ann Cruz)

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