Obama celebrates Kennedy Center honorees

Screenshot from Reuters video

WASHINGTON, United States (Reuters) — The Eagles rock band, singer-songwriter James Taylor and actor Al Pacino descended on Washington on Sunday (December 4) to be feted for their contributions to the arts as the latest recipients of the coveted Kennedy Center Honors awards.

Joined by singer Mavis Staples and pianist Martha Argerich, the artists began a night of celebrations at the White House, where President Barack Obama lauded their accomplishments over the decades.

“Tonight we honor five amazing artists who have dedicated their lives to telling their truth and helping us to see our own,” Obama said in the East Room of the White House.

The president peppered his remarks with humor and praise, noting that Al Pacino was so dedicated to his craft that as a young boy he got sick in a play when his character got sick.

Obama praised the Eagles, saying they were one of America’s signature bands.

“A super group whose greatest hits sold more copies in the United States than any other record in the 20th century. And the 20th century had some pretty good music,” he said.

He reminded guitarist Joe Walsh who was known for his wild behavior that he is in the White House.

“Walsh who’s as rowdy with a guitar lick as I’m told he once was in a hotel room. Twice. This is the White House, though and Michelle and I are about to leave. As I said before we want to get our security deposit back.”

The artists kicked off the festivities on Saturday night at the State Department with a dinner and toasts from their friends and contemporaries.

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