“New York Weather” | Not A Weather Report

Southern New York has been experiencing a whole lot of sunshine and blue skies lately. I’m glad that the snow from winter storm Niko is nearly gone. Isn’t it crazy to think that it’s already been a week since the snow? This weekend we even reached temperatures over 60°F.

Even if patches of snow still remain on the ground, I still forget that snow even came. I think we’re getting to that time of season where the weather gets weird, and everything becomes so confusing. Some like to call it “New York Weather.” There’s honestly no other place where you can go through all four seasons in one day. You can wake up to a crisp, autumn morning where there’s a subtle breeze and fresh air. And as the day goes on, you’ll be able to experience that spring feel, where you can literally feel the snow melt while the birds are chirping. By noon, you’ll feel the sun on your face, and see that everyone is out enjoying their day as they try and do their respective errands. But once that sun sets, and you’re still out, you’re going to regret not wearing your winter coat, because that breeze picks up and all of a sudden, the air is dry and the temperature drops.

This weird weather occurs frequently throughout the year. I think I have a good handful of friends who can back me up on this. What makes it frustrating the most for me, personally, is trying to figure out the appropriate outfit.

For the winter to spring transition, it’s best to wear light, but warm layers instead of one thick sweater. Because you’re totally going to be stressed when that cool morning turns into a sunny afternoon where there’s barely a draft. It’s really hard for me to figure out the “real feel” when there’s snow on the ground and the skies are clear. Most of the time I have to open the front door and take a quick step outside to figure out which coat to wear, or which scarf I should take, or if four layers of clothing is too much or too little. It’s just SO hard to tell!

And for that spring to summer transition? I don’t think that’s too bad. If anything, you’d be perspiring just a little bit more, and you’d be quick to remove that top layer of clothing. Signs of that transition is either holding your sweater or coat in one hand, or tying it around your waist or neck– if you’re fancy like that. Me? I choose to weigh down my purse by stuffing my sweater in it. You get extra points if you have somebody to hold it for you, too.

The summer to fall transition is exciting, and nostalgic. That’s when you realize the season is ready for change, and the leaves drop with the temperature. You try to wear the rest of your summer wardrobe as much as you can, and it gets a little sad when you have to put away your shorts. You can get away with a light top in the daytime, but when the night comes, you’ll have to pull out the sweater to keep you warm from the cool.

I feel really bad whenever people tell me that they’ll be flying into New York around the months that are in between seasons, because they always ask me what the weather it would be like. And I tell them that I honestly do not know, because every year seems to always be different.

I’m excited for spring, though. Nature will wake up again, and there will be blooming. The perfect time for growing and warmth.

As much as consistency is cool to live with in other places, I think it’s great to live in New York. Every day is something new. The coldest winters and the hottest summers definitely build character in us, the New Yorkers.

Written By: Joy Anne Andres, Eagle News Service US, New York

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