July 28 is World Hepatitis Day!

QUEZON City, Philippines (July 28) – World Hepatitis Day is celebrated every 28th of July to raise people’s awareness about the risk of hepatitis, which is one of the leading causes of death globally.

Hepatitis alone is responsible for 1.34 million deaths per year.

Eighty percent of liver cancer cases in the world are also caused by the hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C.

With “Eliminate Hepatitis” as this year’s theme, the World Health Organization (WHO), in partnership with the World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), aims to promote an increased diagnosis of the disease, and ensure key interventions including universal vaccination, among others.

What are the different kinds of hepatitis? How is hepatitis acquired? How do we treat it and most importantly, how do we prevent it?

Read and find out!

(infographics by Erdy Peletina, research by Jodi Bustos, edited by Jay Paul Carlos)


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