Healthy Snacks To Eat At Work

We usually eat several times a day, aside from the normal routine; breakfast, lunch and dinner, we tend to grab something to eat in between of those three. Snacking is what we usually do in work, like sneaking bites while checking some emails, answering a phone and answering phone. But are those snacks in your desk are really healthy? Katherine Tallmadge, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, tells her clients to snack up to three times a day but to limit calories to 100-200 calories for each snack.

Why not add in your new year’s resolution to stay healthy all through out the year? Think of the hundred calories you’ll get if you stay loyal in vending machines bars and potato chips.

Here are some alternative healthy snacks you can enjoy eating while sitting all day at your desk.


image: The News Blo








1. Nuts – Instead of grabbing a big bag of chips, why not bring a bag of nuts at your desk? You know, nuts have it all! Nuts is in rich of n energy, protein, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and much discussed omega-3 fatty acids. Crunchy yet buttery, wonderfully delicious nuts are wonderful gifts to humankind by mother nature. Nuts can be carry anywhere along with you.









2. Dark Chocolate – cocoa beans are the basic ingredients of dark chocolate, it offers health benefits which are antioxidants that keeps are brain consistently working.  Dark chocolate thus provides flavanols that help guard the body against conditions such as heart disease.











3. Fresh Fruits – Fruits are great snacks mid- day, pre and post work out. Fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins C that helps protect are immune system. It helps reduce risk of common medical conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.












4. Peanut Butter – the most common nutritious snack for it reduces risk of Coronary and Alzheimer’s disease. Peanut butter also is rich in antioxidants that contain about 22  22 percent more antioxidants than the uncooked variety and about the same amount of cell-protecting substances as strawberries, according to researchers at the University of Florida.









5. Salmon – For your information, salmon in born in fresh water rivers and streams. All types of salmon provide a good source of high quality protein and the heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Having a little bite of salmon while in work can still maintain your heart in good condition.  Canned salmon that contains bones is also a good source of calcium.

-Eagle News PH



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