Facebook gives us more buttons to play with!

QUEZON City, Philippines (November 18) – Months after popular social media site Facebook announced that it will introduce the “dislike” button, most of the users of said site expressed dread at the possibility.

Said users cited that the “dislike” button may be abused and cause misunderstanding, if not outright fights among Facebook users. Those in favor, on the other hand, said that the “dislike” button is more appropriate to express feeling in situations like a loved one’s death or other sad news.

And as the social media world held its breath and waited for Facebook’s final decision, said site quietly introduced new buttons, expanding users’ options in expressing their feelings regarding any status or post.

No longer limited to the like button, Facebook users can now choose between eight buttons to express their feelings!

These options include “love”, “haha”, “yay”, “confused”, “sad” and “angry”. These options will appear when you hover over the like button. Another genius move of the popular site is giving said buttons an adorable appearance, which will at least lessen the possibility of an argument when one clicks the “angry” button.

Now that we can express our thoughts and feelings more accurately, we’ll never lack for a proper response to our friend’s posts and status updates!

(ENS, written by Jay Paul Carlos, additional research by AV Mendoza)

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