Could a no-fly zone be implemented in Ukraine?

(FILES) In this file photo taken on March 11, 2022 in this handout video grab taken from a footage released by the Ukrainian Presidency, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks face camera in a street of Kyiv. – Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky will deliver a virtual address to Congress on March 16, 2022 as the western ally comes under intense shelling from Russia, Democratic leadership in the US Congress said Wednesday. (Photo by Handout / UKRAINE PRESIDENCY / AFP)

WASHINGTON, D.C., United States (AFP) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky again urged NATO Monday to impose a no-fly zone over his country, saying it would protect not only Ukraine but the countries of the Atlantic alliance from Russian air attacks.

But the United States and NATO allies refused for the same reasons they have been citing since Moscow invaded Ukraine on February 24: that any attempt to establish a no-fly zone would place them in direct conflict with nuclear-armed Russia and spark a wider, more dangerous conflict.

Here is what you need to know about no-fly zones, or NFZs.

What is a no-fly zone?

Russian Air Force aerobatic teams ‘Strizhi’ (Swifts) on MiG-29 aircrafts and ‘Russian Knights’ in Su-27 aircrafts perform during an air show at the MAKS 2021 International Aviation and Space Salon, in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow, on July 20, 2021. – Russian President got a sneak peek of a next-generation stealth fighter jet dubbed “The Checkmate” ahead of the official unveiling later in the day. (Photo by DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP)

It is a prohibition on all or certain types of aircraft flying through a designated airspace, over a country or region.

NFZs require one or more parties being willing to enforce them — that is, being ready and able to shoot down any aircraft violating the space.

They have been used in attempts to limit an ongoing conflict on the ground and to protect certain populations. But they are costly, requiring constant air patrolling and monitoring.

This Maxar satellite image taken and released on March 14, 2022 shows an overview of building damage and fires burning near the Prymorskyi district of western Mariupol, Ukraine. – Russia unleashed a barrage of air strikes March 14 on cities across Ukraine as the warring sides traded blame for a deadly attack in a pro-Moscow separatist region — but made little headway in ceasefire talks. (Photo by Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies / AFP)

From 1991 to 2003 the US, France and Britain enforced no-fly zones over Iraq in the wake of the 1991 Gulf War, to protect Shiite populations in the south and minority Kurds in the north from air attacks by the Saddam Hussein’s Sunni government.

From 1993-1995 NATO enforced a UN-declared NFZ over Bosnia.

Libyan rebels ride in their vehicles as they progress westward from the town of Bin Jawad towards Moamer Kadhafi’s home town of Sirte on March 28, 2011 as NATO finally agreed to take over full command of military operations to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya from a US-led coalition. AFP PHOTO/ARIS MESSINIS (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)

And in 2011 NATO also enforced a UN-approved NFZ over Libya during that country’s civil war.

What would a NFZ do in Ukraine?

Ukrainian military jets take part in the Independence Day military parade in Kiev on August 24, 2021. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP)

A full NFZ by NATO would mean that Russia’s superior air power could not be deployed against Ukrainians — but also that the Kyiv would not be able to fly its fighter jets and significantly effective attack drones against the Russians.

It could allow civilians, who are becoming casualties at a staggering rate, to flee the conflict more safely.

So why not do it?

US and NATO officials say flatly that for a Ukraine NFZ to work their own jets would have to be prepared to shoot down any Russian violators — effectively making them direct participants in the war.

“If we did that, we’ll end up with something that could end in a full-fledged war in Europe, involving many more countries and causing much more human suffering. So that’s the reason why we make this painful decision,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on March 4.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks during an AFP interview at the Diplomacy Forum, in Antalya on March 11, 2022. – NATO must not allow Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to spill over into a war between the alliance and Moscow, its chief Jens Stoltenberg said on March 11, 2022, again ruling out a no-fly zone. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP)

A day later, Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed those stakes, saying any country trying to enforce a Ukraine NFZ “will be considered by us as participation in an armed conflict by that country.”

What about a ‘limited’ NFZ?

This handout picture released by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine on March 5, 2022, shows what is said a non exploded aviation bomb FAB-500 at the crash site a Russian military aircraft after it was shot down on the outskirts of the city of Chernihiv. (Photo by Handout / State Emergency Service of Ukraine / AFP)

Last week a group of US defense and foreign policy experts released a letter calling for a “limited” NATO-enforced NFZ over Ukraine to establish humanitarian corridors in which civilians were protected from aerial bombardment.

But critics said that would not limit the risk of conflict with Russia, as NATO aircraft would still have to be willing to shoot down Russian aircraft.

How much impact would one have?

So far the war in Ukraine has not depended heavily on air power, on either side. In its invasion Russia has relied mostly on long-range missiles and surface artillery fire to attack Ukrainian targets. Fighting back, the Ukrainians have depended largely on ground fire.

Russian Defence Ministry officials show off the Russia’s 9M729 cruise missile at the military Patriot Park outside Moscow on January 23, 2019. – Moscow on January 23, 2019 insisted the range of a missile system that has prompted Washington to say it will withdraw from a key Cold War arms treaty is allowed under the agreement. (Photo by Vasily MAXIMOV / AFP)

A US defense official pointed to Russia’s missile attack Sunday on a base in western Ukraine as an example. The Russians fired about two dozen cruise missiles from aircraft flying over Russian territory at the time.

“A no-fly zone inside Ukraine would have had no effect on this particular set of strikes,” the official said Monday.

It “would not stop all of the air activity that is going on,” the official said.

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