Confession of a 21st century Beatlemaniac

QUEZON City, Philippines (February 16) – Passion resonates in every Beatles song as they strive to create a name in the music scene. John, Paul, Ringo and George, lads from a seaport town in England called Liverpool showcased their love for music in creating and performing songs with melodies that rhymes with their real lives. Early 1960’s is very remarkable for the Fab Four for their budding career as musicians exploded and Beatlemania erupted not just in England but also in the United States of America.

Source: Billboard

Being young and eager to prove and achieve something in the field of their chosen endeavor, songs were mounted out of sweat, originality, creativity and enough love for the craft in a hope that one day, their songs will be heard all over the world. The love of performing is reflected in most of the early Beatles song; those that were under Please, Please Me! (1963), With the Beatles (1963) and A Hard Day’s Night albums.

Meanwhile, songs that were under the Rubber Soul (1965) started to introduce a different type of music.

Source: Spotify

When I’m sixty four, In My Life, With A Little Help from my Friends, Penny Lane, Real Love, Eight Days a Week and all other Beatles songs, that’s what you can find in my mobile phone’s play list, named as “love playlist”. Growing up with a very musically-inclined eldest sister and a Beatlemaniac herself who puts John Lennon in the pedestal, many were not surprised in knowing that I am a big fan of The Beatles too.

Yes, I am a self-confessed Beatlemaniac; I don’t mind listening to their songs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Musicality, lyrics and Fab Four’s attitude towards music as an art got me hooked. Humor and weirdness of each member adds to bands uniqueness and I must say that great looks were just icingson the cake.

My adoration for their music went beyond even the accusations of big-headedness, illegal drug use and alcoholism. For me, these are just mud slinged towards famous figures by the envious.

The Beatles’ songs transcends  entertainment, they are so profound and reflective. Created and written due to life’s challenges and enjoyment. Lyrics became a description of what kind of men they are becoming, beliefs that were evolving and experience that they are reaping. As time goes by, their songs became reflections of their soul. Pride, universal love, freedom revolution, looking back to your roots, and life’s heartbreak were being discussed over their songs. Maturity, customs and beliefs, whether natural or acquired reverberates but one thing is always present, they always look at music as the highest form of art.

Source: Rolling Stone

The Beatles will always have this significant spot in my life. Music and lyrics that will be remembered not just by my mind but also by my heart and yes, maybe they are right when they say that you are what you listen to, for it also crossed my mind that I maybe a lost Beatlemaniac in the fast-changing millennial world.

(written by Aronica Azores, edited by Jay Paul Carlos, additional research by Vince Alvin Villarin)

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