North America

Biden vows to rejoin Paris climate deal on first day in office

WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) -- Joe Biden vowed Wednesday that the US would rejoin the Paris climate accord on his…

US election heads to the courts

  by Paul HANDLEY Agence France Presse WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) -- Democrats and Republicans girded Wednesday for a legal…

Three dead as weakening Eta batters Nicaragua

by Inti OCON BILWI, Nicaragua (AFP) -- Hurricane Eta slowed to tropical storm speeds on Wednesday morning even as it…

Kanye West notches some 60,000 votes, hints at 2024 White House bid

NEW YORK, United States (AFP) -- The United States was on knife's edge Wednesday waiting for electoral results, but the…

Biden at 264 electoral votes, Trump at 214: US media

WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) -- Democratic presidential challenger Joe Biden on Wednesday neared the magic number of 270 electoral votes…

Biden at 238 electoral votes, Trump at 213: US media

  WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) -- President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are battling it out for the…

Trump declares he won the election; calls counting process a fraud

  By Thomas I. Likness Eagle News Service (Eagle News) — A defiant US President Donald Trump has declared he…

Twitter flags Trump tweet accusing Biden’s Democrats of trying to ‘steal’ election

  WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) -- Twitter on Wednesday flagged a tweet in which President Donald Trump accused Democrats of…

Likely days before a clear winner declared in US presidential election

  By Thomas I. Likness Eagle News Service (Eagle News) — American voters will have to wait, perhaps to the…

Early voters in US swing state Florida explain importance of their vote FLORIDA, United States (Eagle News) -- Some citizens of Florida, considered the swing state in US elections, give their…

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