
Suicide attack on Kabul voter registration center kills 31: ministry

  by Mushtaq Mojaddidi © Agence France-Presse     KABUL, Afghanistan (AFP) -- A suicide bomber killed at least 31 people…

North Korea’s nuclear declaration: what it does and does not mean

  SEOUL, South Korea (AFP) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared an end to the nuclear and intercontinental…

US-China trade tension dominates IMF gathering

    by Heather Scott © Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) -- Trade tensions between the United States and China,…

Japan’s Abe welcomes N. Korea pledge, but defense chief vows pressure

TOKYO, Japan (AFP) -- Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday cautiously welcomed North Korea's pledge to halt nuclear tests and…

N. Korea’s Kim promises no more nuclear or missile tests

    SEOUL, South Korea (AFP) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said he would halt nuclear tests and intercontinental…

‘Treasured sword’: What Kim said about N. Korea’s nukes

  SEOUL, South Korea (AFP) -- Kim Jong Un has halted North Korea's nuclear tests and intercontinental ballistic missile launches, as…

Volcano erupts in Japan, no-go warning issued

TOKYO, Japan (AFP) -- A volcano erupted in southern Japan on Thursday, spewing steam and ash hundreds of meters into…

S. Korea’s Moon: a peace treaty ‘must be pursued’

SEOUL, South Korea (AFP) -- A peace treaty to formally end the Korean War "must be pursued," South Korean President…

Quake hits near Iran nuclear power plant

TEHRAN, Iran (AFP) -- A moderately strong 5.9-magnitude earthquake Thursday hit Iran's southern region of Bushehr, home to the country's…

UN in security talks with Syria after chemical probe put on hold

  by Maya Gebeily Agence France Presse BEIRUT, Lebanon (AFP) -- UN security experts have said they were negotiating with…

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