
Air strikes kill 28 civilians in Syria safe zone: monitor

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AFP) -- At least 28 civilians were killed in air strikes on northwestern Syria where a planned safe…

Poll shows Tokyo governor Koike’s party threat to Abe

TOKYO, Japan (AFP) -- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's lead in next month's election has shrunk as the popular Tokyo governor…

Tillerson in China to pile pressure on North Korea

BEIJING, China (AFP) -- United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in Beijing on Saturday to discuss efforts to…

Iraq cuts Kurdistan air links with outside world

by Wilson Fache with Shwan Mohammad in Sulaimaniyah Agence France Presse ARBIL, Iraq (AFP) -- The Iraqi government cut autonomous…

Indonesia volcano continues exhibiting signs of eruption: geologist

BALI, Indonesia (Reuters) -- The chance of an eruption remained high as the Mount Agung volcano in Indonesia's tourist island…

Signs of corruption emerge from rubble of Mexico quake

by Jean Luis Arce Agence France-Presse MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AFP) - Mexico is still cleaning up the rubble left by its…

Trump’s scandal-hit health secretary resigns

by Andrew Beatty Agence France Presse WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) -- President Donald Trump's embattled health secretary was forced out…

Yosemite rock slides cause another injury; roads re-routed

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, California (Reuters) -- Yosemite National Park crews have re-routed roads around the base of the towering El…

Mexican economy to bounce back fast from quake: analysts

by Yussel Gonzalez Agence France Presse MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AFP) -- The earthquake that turned huge swathes of Mexico City…

Iraq forces attack IS-held town of Hawija: general

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AFP) -- Iraqi forces on Friday launched an assault on the northern town of Hawija, one of the…

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