Canada auto factories to make coronavirus medical equipment

OTTAWA, Canada (AFP) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday launched plans to mobilize the country’s industrial sector in the fight against coronavirus, including temporarily transitioning auto parts factories to making medical equipment.

The plan will see the country “rapidly” increase the production of essential supplies such as surgical masks, respirators, screening tests, and disinfectant gel, Trudeau said during his daily press briefing from his home in Ottawa, where he is self-isolating after his wife tested positive for the virus.

“Health care professionals really need support,” Trudeau said. “So our government will help these companies shift production from auto parts to medical supplies.”

“Our government will also be introducing innovative procurement streams in order to allow a larger number of businesses to develop solutions and products that Canadians need because of COVID-19,” he said.

Canada has more than 900 confirmed cases of coronavirus and three deaths.

© Agence France-Presse

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