AFP to exert all efforts to comply with President Duterte’s ‘deadline’ to resolve Marawi crisis

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News) — The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said that it would do its best to end the conflict in Marawi in fifteen days, in compliance with President Rodrigo Duterte’s assessment.

“The 15 days is a period within which the President hopes the crisis in Marawi to end. The AFP will do its best, as it has been giving its level best, to crush the rebellion of the Maute-Isis group,” Col. Edgard Arevalo, AFP public affairs chief said on Wednesday, July 12.

Arevalo noted that the President made the assessment while “aware of the complexities of the ongoing operations” as he was being briefed regularly.

He added the military would exert all efforts to restore peace in Mindanao in general.

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