Who are the millenials?

QUEZON City, Philippines (September 27) – The generations born in the 21st century are more likely to be called “millennials”. But did you know that the millenials actually started in 1978?

Source: www.icr.org
Source: www.icr.org

A book that was written by Neil Howe and William Strauss explained that the iconoclast millennial generations were born in between 1977 and 1994. The magazine New York Times, revealed that the word itself and the generation that it describes actually developed t 25-30 years ago.

Source: cabanesduvercors.com
Source: cabanesduvercors.com

Another term closely related to the millenials is “juvenoia”.

Juvenoia is a belief that ones generation or culture during their times is better than the current one. Every generation has their own values and culture that makes them them unique. Having this kind of belief applies to the millenials today.

Today, millenials can be classified using a variety of factors:

  • In the Philippines, people – especially the youth –  who are dependent on social media are considered millenials.
  • They tend to spend money on extravagant goods in order to follow trends.
  • They also tend to be more politically and socially-involved.
  • They are also not afraid to share with the public their opinions.
  • Because of the surplus of inputs coming from many sources, millenials tend to have short attention span.
Source: www.forbes.com
Source: www.forbes.com

The millenials are definitely here to stay.

(written by Leslie Mendoza, edited by Jay Paul Carlos, additional research by Vince Alvin Villarin)